MFR Training for Managers
“The Managing For Results system did more than straight-line the status quo, it challenged us to seek even higher goals and perhaps do things we wouldn’t have thought possible in the past.”
The sure fire best way to ensure that managers know how to use performance information is to train them how to do it. As a result, MR’s most powerful training is MFR Training for Managers, which teaches managers how to use performance information to manage and tell their story. If they know how to use performance information to manage and tell the story of challenges and achievements, it is much more likely they will pay attention to performance and achieve better results.
MR has trained employees, managers and leaders from government organizations of all types and sizes in how to use performance information to manage and communicate. In almost every engagement, the most common response to-date in the post training assessment is “Now I really understand how this works.”
Participants in this training have, via self-assessments conducted before and after the training, reported gains in knowledge and skills of 50% to 100% in the covered topics. Participant evaluations of the training are consistently very positive.
Useful How-To topics covered include:
- Monitoring, tracking and interpreting performance information
- Using performance information for Performance Based Budgeting, especially Performance Based Budget narratives
- Using performance information for Performance Reporting, especially performance narratives
- Using performance information to improve operational performance
- 3-Part Performance Reports