Our Story
Managing Results (MR) was founded in 1998 by Marv Weidner following more than 20 years of successful leadership in Iowa State government. The firm, now based in Gunnison, Colorado boasts decades of strategic planning experience and has:
Assisted over 100 entities - all levels of governance – military, federal, state, city, county, tourism and various tax supported not-for-profits,
Facilitated over 40 organization-wide strategic plans and strategic plan updates,
Developed Department Strategic Plans for over 1,800 departments and agencies,
Provided Performance Budget design and implementation services to departments and agencies that annually budget over $37 Billion connected to customer results,
Facilitated customers’ alignment and integration of individual performance with operational performance to successfully implement the organization’s Strategic Plan and enhance morale, productivity and overall success.
Assisted our organizational customers in change management related to implementing their Strategic Plans,
Assisted our customers in delivering the communications necessary to implement these significant changes in their organization and tell their story of impact.
“Weidner’s Managing for Results methodology helps governments get clear and stay focused on the results that matter.”
MR’s strategic planning framework supports the dynamic needs of executives and staff – it is replicable, scalable and sustainable. MR's tools have been continuously refined to help governments articulate their desired results with uncommon clarity. MR customers are able to successfully use Strategic Plans, Implementation Plans, performance measurement and reporting with a degree of consistency and scalability that enables decision-makers to make important trade-off choices in complex political environments – within budget restrictions.
MR customers use our methodologies to satisfy GFOA's standards of Performance Management, federal Government Performance and Results Acts (GPRA) requirements, Governing Magazine’s Government Performance Project (GPP) criteria, and International City/County Management Association’s (ICMA’s) standards for performance management. Our goal is to provide our customers with the best Strategic Plan possible – one that reflects their organizational culture and goals.